Everything God does will endure forever. Ecclesiastes 3:14. The author of this old testament book is Solomon. The above inspirational bible verse words are from the wise king Solomon. Some of his wisdom was from his father King David and also from his experiences in his life. But of all, it is also the inspiration from God.
Know more about the things of God that endures forever in the cmportal.in – short Bible verse of the day
Solomon mentions the things which God has given to human beings. He gave us the ability to rejoice means to hope in the Lord in a troubled heart. He has also given the ability to do good in our lives means we are motivated to do good to others without selfishness.
Whatever God does will be forever, and nothing can be added to it, and nothing can be taken from it. God has independently set the plan for everyone who believes in him. When fear in the Lord, then that is the beginning of wisdom. If we fear him, that means we are respecting and honouring him.if we don’t involve God in our life then we will find ourselves dissatisfied, miserable, empty.
When we fear the Lord, the actions of God are worthy in our life in bible scripture today.
The most important secret of our lives is the presence of God. If we fear the Lord, then the actions of God are permanent it means it will be forever and the actions of God are effective and complete so that nothing can be added to it and the actions of God are secured so that nothing can be taken from that. These are the God actions highlighted in this bible verse.
In psalms 33:11 says the counsel of the Lord for his children will be forever and the plans of his heart to all the generations whoever believes in him. The salvation of God is forever, and the scriptures in the bible are forever. The holy trinity is also forever; that means God the Father, holy spirit and Jesus Christ are forever.
Conclusion: Christian Music Portal comes up with bible verses to read daily with the most inspirational Bible verse of the day that will make us grow more spiritually in God. Whatever God does in our life is good and perfect, we need to ask and receive from him. We need to ask for his wisdom so that his actions for us will be permanent and secure. The people who will not believe in him will perish forever. So that we need to seek his salvation which is forever. We need to serve the Lord heartfully because he gives us the good things which are forever and secured.
Father Lord Almighty, thank you, Lord, for giving the things which endure forever. Grant me the wisdom to receive the good things from you. I pray, Amen.