Introduction: The King will say, “I tell you the truth when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!” Matthew 25:40. Jesus is explaining about the second coming and judgment of the Son of God to his disciples.
Important facts to enter into the kingdom of God in the – daily inspirational bible verse.
Description: Jesus Christ was teaching his disciples what happens when the son of man comes in his glory with angels and sit upon the throne of his glory. Then all the nations will gather before him. Then he will separate them one from another like shepherd separate his sheep from the goats. Then he keeps the sheep on his right hand and goats on his left hand.
Rewards from the Lord to righteous people in daily bible verse KJV: Then he says the people who are on his right hand “come to me, you are blessed my father and inherit the kingdom that is prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” Then he says when I was hungry, you gave me meat and gave water when I was thirsty and when I was a stranger you took care of me. You gave clothes when I was naked and visited at the time of sick and in prison.
Then the righteous people answered him by saying Lord when we fed you in hunger and gave you water to drink at the time of thirsty, gave clothes when naked, took care when you are sick. Then the son of God gives a reply to the people by saying I am telling the truth you have done all these to the one who is ignored by all. If you have done it to them, then you have done it to me.
God loves the one who serves the needy in daily bible scriptures: In Matthew 10:42 says whoever gives a cup of water to the little ones then he will surely be rewarded by God. In Proverbs 19:17 says the one who is generous to the poor will lends to the Lord and he will repay them for their deeds. In proverbs, 14:21 says whoever contempt his neighbour is a sinner, but God blesses the one who is generous to the poor. God will honour him.
In John 4:7-12 says we need to love each other because love is from God, if we love one another, then we are born from God and knows him. If we do not love others, then christ’s love is not in us. Then God will abide us. If we say that we love Christ, then we need to love one another.
In Hebrews 6:10 says that God is not injustice. We will overlook our work and the love that we are shown for his name in serving the members of Christ. Love is mainly shown in terms of action and not in terms of words. In Galatians 6:10 says that as we have the opportunity, we need to be good to the people, especially to the believers of Christ.
Conclusion: Christian Music Portal come up with online daily scripture reading with the most inspiring Bible verse of the day that will make us grow more spiritually in God. Lord welcomes to the heavenly kingdom when we have done for him so that he will give us eternal life. We need not serve Lord personally but need to service to those who are needy. Then Jesus counts that service as it has done for him. If we neglect to do services to the needy, then God never welcomes us to heaven.
When we do good works to people, then God will validate our work, and he thinks that we are worthy of his kingdom. He will accept it as the gift of honouring him. Many people think that prayer is enough to enter into the kingdom of God and think that if they are praying every day and reading the word of God, that means they are loving the christ.
But it is not true, and our love should be shown in action by doing good deeds. If we are part of God’s family, We need to provide the basic needs for the members of Christ. Mainly our behaviour explains that we belong to Christ or not? We need to demonstrate our love to the world through our kindness, good deeds, compassion.
Father Lord Almighty, make my heart and hands to help the believers of Christ and love each other as you loved me. I pray, Amen.
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