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The Great things: Psalms Verse of the Day

The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. Psalm 126:3. The author of this chapter was king David.

The amazing and great things of the Lord in – bible words in English today

The Lord does great things in our life so that it will bring joy and glory to us. God had done many great things to the Israel people. When God restored his people to their land from their captivity, it was amazing for them to believe and almost unreal to them. When Israel witnessed the restoration and also the surrounding nations, then their mouths are filled with words of praise and joy to the Lord.

Here we see how God keeps his promise and restores his people. His works are marvelous and tremendous for those who believe in his promises. When we go through trials and tribulations at that time, we will let down. In those afflictions, we should remember that God intends them for good. In this due time, God will build our character to become more like Christ.

Before the captivity of Israel, they didn’t rejoice in the glory of God. Throughout their captivity, they have learned many lessons. When the time has come for their restoration. God has delivered them from their captivity. When we trust he will also deliver us from our afflictions. God has chosen Cyrus and moved his heart to make his promise to restore and rebuild the city of the holy land.

The greatest blessing that God gave us in promise verse of the day:

The most important, great and amazing thing that God has done is sacrificing his son for our sins. He was beaten brutally for us. He was accused falsely for us, and he was nailed on the cross and treated as a sinner. He died for us. He gave his life for us. These many things he has done for, so we need to praise him and glorify him. The greatest blessing is the salvation we receive from the Lord.

Conclusion: Christian Music Portal comes up with bible verses to read daily with the most inspirational Bible verse of the day that will make us grow more spiritually in God. Thanks to the Lord for keeping his promise to us, and we need to praise him for exceedingly great things that had been done by God in our past. When we are faithless God remains faithful to us. We need to be obedient to God and give thanks in every circumstance. When God delivers us from the afflictions, it gives glory to God and joy for us.

Father Lord Almighty, you are truly a wonderful, gracious lord. I give praise for the great things in my life. I pray, Amen.

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