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Rebuilding Jerusalem: Daily Bible reading

Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace. Nehemiah 2:17.

The prayer without ceasing made the city of Jerusalem to rebuild again in – bible words in English today

Nehemiah looked towards God in prayer. He is an example who used to pray to God without ceasing. The word ceasing means praying to god until we obtain the answer for him. The king noticed that Nehemiah was sad in his presence, and he wanted Nehemiah to take him out of his job. He loved to be surrounded by happy people.

Then Nehemiah told the king the reason for his sadness. He was sad because the city of his fathers was laid waste, and the gates were consumed with fire. Then the king asked him what request you are making. Then he said that I have prayed to god. Then Nehemiah pleased to God that if you have found favor in your sight, will you send me to Judah so that I will rebuild the city of my fathers.

Then the king and queen asked him how long the journey will be? Then he said the time then the king agreed to send him. Again Nehemiah pleased the king to give letters given to him by the governors until he goes into Judah. He requested him to provide timber so that he can make the gates of the palace, the wall of the city, and the house he will enter. The king everything that he requested, then Nehemiah thought that God’s hand was upon him so that the king granted everything that he asked.

Then he went beyond the river and gave the king’s letters to the governors. King even sent the captains of the army and cavalry with him. Then he went to Jerusalem, and he was there for three days. When he arose at night, there were some people with him. But he did not share anything about God has laid in his heart to do for Jerusalem.

Nehemiah checked out the gate of the valley, walls of the city broken, and also the gates destroyed by fire. Then he said to the people that Jerusalem was laid waste and gates were burned. He asked all of them to let us build the wall of Jerusalem. Everyone agreed to build the city of Israel. Then he gave thanks to the lord.

Conclusion: Christian Music Portal comes up with bible verses to read daily with the most inspirational Bible verse of the day that will make us grow more spiritually in God. Here we learned that it is possible to do impossible things with prayer. Nehemiah waited for God with patience.

He waited on God for planning. At last, he succeeds in doing everything. So we need to pray to God without ceasing so that we receive everything we want.

Father Lord Almighty, Thank you, Lord, make me a faithful person and give the power to rebuild my life for glorifying you. I pray, Amen.