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The Mind of Christ: Daily Bible Reading Today

Introduction: In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus. Philippians 2:5. In this everyday bible verse, Paul and Timothy are the servants of Jesus Christ. They were writing a letter to all the saints in the Phillipi describing the mindset of Christ.

Learn the humility of Jesus Christ in the – daily Bible devotional.

Description: Paul writes about how Christians should be with one another. This applies to how we relate to one another in our church, and also in our homes. We must learn to humble ourselves for others for the sake of Christ. Paul gives an example of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is of supreme humility. Jesus Christ is the foundation for how we should be with one another in our church.

Paul says that if anyone has the consolation in Christ, any comfort of love, a fellowship of the spirit, mercies, full of joy, likeminded, having the same love with one and another. Nothing should be done through strife for one another. We need to be humble ourselves, and each of us should esteem that the other is better than ourselves. Don’t look every time to do our things, but we need to do the things of others.

Know about the christ and his sacrifice in bible scripture reading:

We need to have the mind of Jesus Christ. Even though he is in the form of God, he did not make himself equal with God, he made himself of no reputation and treated himself as a servant and made in the likeness of a human being.

He humbled himself on the cross and was obedient to his death. He has left the highest position on heaven and came to the lowest position on earth to rescue from God’s judgment people. He has lowered himself on behalf of us. He left the purity of heaven and came to the people who are sinned and wicked and made himself a sinner by bearing our sins.

Learn about true humility from Jesus christ in daily bible verse in English.

True humility means proper action towards others so that they don’t hurt.
True humility means lowering ourselves before others to lift them.
True humility means to give up for the sake of others.
True humility means serving others.
True humility means obedience to God.

Know how father has exalted Jesus in free daily bible verse in English:

In luke 18:14 says that the one who exalts himself will be degraded, and the one who humbles himself shall be exalted.

For this everyday bible verse, we see the example of Jesus Christ he humbled himself before everyone, so the father has exalted him and given him a name which is above on the earth as well in heaven. Every knee will bow before Jesus, and every tongue will confess his name as the Savior.

In Matthew 11: 29, Jesus Christ says that to take up his yoke on us and learn from him because he is meek and lowliness in the heart. So that we will find rest for our souls. In proverbs, 15:33 says that if we have a fear of the lord, then it teaches wisdom, and if we are humble, then we get the honor.


Christian Music Portal come up with online daily scripture reading with the most inspiring Bible verse of the day that will make us grow more spiritually in God. We need to learn the humility of Christ in our daily life.

For the sake of all, Jesus Christ has humbled himself to die on the cross. So the sacrifice of him should fill our hearts with love and devotion and realize that no sacrifice we make, no humiliation we undergo can never match how our Savior did for us.

Christ has sacrificed himself for ourselves so that we should learn to sacrifice ourselves for others. We need to have the mind of Christ so that we are worthy of his kingdom. We need to have a habit of serving others. Attitude, character, mind should be of Jesus Christ so that all will glorify him.

We need to show the same love of Christ to one other, even to the poor people and beggars. Pride is the main hostility that causes the downfall of our lives. We need to pray to God to take away the pride and make us humble. If we are humble, everyone will know the love of Christ and believe in him.

Father Lord Almighty, Thank you, God, make my heart and mindset as Jesus christ and make as a humble person. I pray, Amen.

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