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God helps those who Undergo temptations: Online Daily Bible Verse

ecause he suffered when he was [tempted], he can help those who are being tempted. Hebrews 2:18. In this bible verse of the day, the writer of this verse is an apostle of Jesus Christ states how an individual must have faith in his sufferings and temptations as Jesus christ also went through temptations and tribulations when he was a son of man on earth.

How to overcome the temptations we face through Jesus Christ in the – daily Bible reading.

In Matthew 4:1-11, Jesus Christ is the Son of God who has gone through many temptations, sufferings, and tribulations. In contrast, on this earth, he has overcome the very first temptations of the devil after his baptism, being empowered by the Holy Spirit.

After 40 days of fasting, when he was hungry, then the devil came to him to make him negatively exercise his power and has promised him to give all the riches of the world, but Jesus is high in the spirit he rebuked the devil by word, and it went away from him.

Jesus did not take himself as the nature of angels, but he took the seed of Abraham so that he can fulfill the wish of God. He fully shared his humanity on earth, he tasted death and defeated satan. He became a human on this earth so that he will be a merciful and faithful high priest to serve God.

The Lord knows your temptations and helps in the daily bible verse of the day:

Being in this world filled with sin and injustice, the Lord allows some temptations in our lives after we believe in him and his name so that we can become like Christ by overcoming sin. Resisting temptation and being an overcomer is the nature of Christ.

In 1 Corinthians 10-:13 says that we need to develop the nature of Christ through our persistent fasting prayer. God will not allow the temptation for us beyond what we can because he is faithful; he also the way to escape from the temptation that we may be able to bear it.

Your rank increases in spirit when you resist sin in the daily inspirational Bible Verse:

The bible verse states that even Jesus was tempted in every way, but he was without sin. When we are tempted, we need to take the help of him. When Jesus could resist the devil, and in worldly ways, he has given the ability to defeat the enemy’s death.

So likewise, when we resist sin and worldly ways like Jesus, we give God the chance to increase us spiritually and bless us much more than Abraham. So it pleases our father to bless us more than the gentiles of the world but sometimes in our negligence we commit sins and delay our blessing, but the Lord who restores all will also restore the delay when we repent in his presence.

The Lord helps those that are in temptations in everyday Bible Verse:

As we know that David was tempted and persecuted by saul and how David was strengthened by the word of the Lord and by prayer, and later became a king of Israel

When Abraham was tempted by a king in Egypt named Abimelech, by taking away his wife Sarah the Lord visited the king by night with a warning and on the same day, he returned to his wife.

Likewise, we have many incidents in the bible to show that the Lord helps those who are in temptations and troubles.


Christian Music Portal come up with online daily scripture reading with the most inspiring Bible verse of the day that will make us grow more spiritually in God. Jesus Christ also being in the perishable body has gone through temptations, that is how our father through experience has known our tribulations and is ready to show mercy to us and forgive our sins and wash our faults and mistakes which are committed knowingly or unknowingly through his cross by his blood.

Sometimes Jesus wanted to make us undergo temptations, so to check our faith level. At that time, we should not come away from him. We need to draw close to him. He is the high priest, so we need to call him when we are tempted.

We need to develop a prayer of fasting this makes us defeat the satan very easily on earth. When Jesus fasted and prayed for 40 days, he resisted the devil. When we resist the devil, we will increase our spiritual growth.

Father Lord Almighty, thank you for helping me at the time temptations and make me pray persistently to avoid satan plans. I pray, Amen.

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