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maundy thursday

A day symbolizing humility and purity of Lord Jesus Christ and day remarking the last supper with his disciples is Maundy. It is not a festival as such which needs to be given a national holiday but celebration of being selfless and respecting others on humanitarian grounds. Celebrating a day just to follow the tradition is no fun but celebrating the same day knowing the story and reason for it adds on to the essence of celebration with lots of joy and enthusiasm. So, here Cm Portal provides you with all the information required to know about the festival call Maundy.

What does Maundy mean?

It was Thursday like any other day, but two incidents which were witnessed on this day made this day special and priceless. Firstly, it was observed that it was the last supper of Lord Jesus Christ with his apostles and secondly Lord Jesus Christ washed the feet of his disciples as a mark of humility and respect and preached everyone that we should be humble to every individual irrespective of anything and other things keeping constant.

How is Maundy Thursday celebrated?

The Holy bible does not encourage nor forbids the celebration of this day. It is not big festival and depends on people if or not to celebrate. There is no compulsion from the authorities for the celebration of this festival, it is a personal choice.
Many people celebrate this festival out of love and happiness. In many churches people follow the tradition of “Feet washing” that is they celebrate it by washing feet of others and show respect towards people. On the other hand, people also have their dinner with all the family on this special day in remembrance of Lord Jesus Christ.

Occurrence of Maundy:

Maundy was on Thursday just one day before the crucifixion of Christ was commemorated that is Good Friday. There is no fixed date for celebration of Maundy; it is the fifth day of that week where Good Friday is celebrated. It usually falls between 19th March and 22nd April. This year it falls on 18th of April 2019. This festival teaches us how to be selfless and respect others keeping our ego aside and also shows how to love others and always create a bonding with everyone.

In the present day, people have no time; they all are busy and different set of routine due to which whole family doesn’t get time to sit together for their meal. All thanks to this day because at least once people get chance to have their supper together with everyone and spend some quality time with their family.

Maundy Thursday also known as Holy Thursday gets its name from the Latin word “mandatum” which means “commandment” meaning a divine rule of one of the ten. So, this Maundy Thursday make the best of time with your family. It is not just a day of celebration but learning for life. So let’s pledge with CM Portal to respect ever individual on humanitarian grounds and try to be a better person.