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Facebook’s relevance to your life


Our social media accounts work as one of the best ways for us to communicate by sharing or sharing our thoughts not only with our family members, friends and colleagues, but also with the world – thanks to the Internet. Twitter, Instagram and Facebook give us updates on what’s happening to our world through news and current affairs. They can give us information about food, health and medicine, science and technology, history, geography, etc. We also get first hand information from people we look up to – movie actors and actresses, sports icons, singers, writers and many others. However, let’s talk more about Facebook – that’s where we do most of the intercommunication.

At least 80% of the people I know (including myself) are on Facebook. We check our news feeds almost every time, depending on our situation, needs or leisure. Based on my personal experience, observation, and the reactions of others, the things we see are often not as pleasant or entertaining. They are usually annoying and can make us unhappy. There are a huge amount of positions that can bother us, but let’s just focus on what we are witnessing day in and day out.

Here are examples of what we often see in our news feeds:

  • Selfies, usual selfies that flood your screen

  • New personal items like bags, shoes, smartphones, wrist watches etc.

  • Someone has bought a new car or traveling anywhere they want to be

  • Food that people eat at a restaurant that is either expensive or cheap

  • People who only post everything about their children’s achievements in school, sports, music and the arts

  • Pictures showing someone’s muscles or physical abilities

  • List of individual’s exercise routines, foods they eat (diet)

  • A video or photo of someone in the gym, especially a mirror selfie

  • A video of someone singing, dancing or playing any musical instrument

  • People pretending to be harsh by commenting harsh and unfriendly words in a public post

  • People who make a divine character by putting Bible verses when they are not actually what they show they are

  • Posts that rage about government and politics or someone’s anger and annoyance at something or someone

  • People who just share and post something they see on their website

Some of the examples given are intended to provide entertainment or show our friends and family members (who we do not see every day) what is happening in our daily lives. However, they tend to show narcissism. pride. boldness. pretension. negativity towards things, and self-centeredness. The question is, how and why do we judge people based on what is seen in their posts? Some answers are obvious, others are not.

  1. Studies reveal that too much selfie or self-portrait photography is directly linked to narcissism. Why would you even take hundreds of pictures of yourself and post them on social media if they only show your face? What else do you want people to see? That’s all your face! What’s so special about it? Okay, you’re beautiful, you’re beautiful – so what?

  2. Pride is normal, but it is also misunderstood by our Facebook friends who are our audience. Just be careful with your words and your typical topic.

  3. boldness is what people have when they are just themselves. It is a product of happiness, confidence and satisfaction with someone’s life or situation, no matter how easy or difficult.

  4. We say there is someone Pretending if we know them personally – we know how they treat other people – or what they have in life in terms of material things they can buy or afford.

  5. What do we say about that negativity? Of course, we are just people, we are never perfect. Who doesn’t get angry, annoyed, annoyed or aggravated? Only something that has no life. But don’t make your social media account your live update of your emotional or physical malice. While it can sometimes help you get sympathy (if that’s what you really need) from your friends and family, it still doesn’t mean that you can endlessly place your negativity in every situation. If you really think the government will notice you and change their regulation, think again.

  6. do not be self-centered. If you think that everything you post or share will help everyone, you are wrong. You will only flood their news feeds. You don’t have to share everything you think is informative or interesting all the time. Just press the similar button or comment on the public post, your friends will see them too.

What do you feel when you get likes or positive comments?

It’s such a good feeling that your friends and family members “like” and leave a “comment” on your posts. You feel accepted, appreciated, appreciated, acknowledged and even respected. Now find these words’ Antonyms, while I ask you what happens if your post (which you consider special) is ignored. In this modern world that we live in, social media has become an online representation of ourselves.

Why do we get annoyed?

We assume the examples given are annoying and can make us feel jealous or skeptical. In my previous article “Is criticism a good thing?” I have mentioned the reasons why we judge or criticize people.

We have our own reasons for posting such things. In fact, if we think about the past, back in the day when we had nothing powered by technology or the internet, it looks like we did the same. We talked to our friends about something. We wrote letters to our loved ones. We shared everything that happened to us, including of course the things we are proud of. We took pictures, printed them and showed them to our family members and friends. You don’t want to look bad in your picture, do you? Nothing has changed so much – if there is, it would be in how we assert our freedom of expression, that it is abused, and we don’t care about our virtual community directly connected to reality. The main difference here is that what we show to our loved ones can also be seen by other people all over the world, depending on your post’s privacy settings. Think about it, whether within Facebook or not, not all the people you consider friends are really your friends. What’s more, if they’re just your online friends? They don’t know you well, so they will misunderstand you most of the time. What makes these posts (which are not intended to offend others) annoying is that we – who are just someone’s virtual friend – see the things that should only be shown to the people who personally know them.

Here is a quote from Francis Collins: “God gave us free will and we can choose to exercise it in ways that end up hurting other people.” We were given free will since the day we were born. Let us choose the best opportunity and live a happy life. Sometimes we just have to consider the outcome of our actions. We just need to think carefully about how our actions can affect other people and especially our “online community”.
