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Godly thinking: Daily Bible Promise Verses

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true . . . noble . . . right . . . pure . . . lovely . . . admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8. The author of this chapter was paul. He is writing to the church of Phillipi.

How to meditate on Godly character in the – daily bible reading

Paul says the Christians in Philippi they need rejoice in the Lord always. He said, pursue joy in relationship with Christ. Don’t worry about anything but give thanks to the Lord with your prayers and requests be made known to him. Then the peace of the Lord will guard our hearts and minds through Jesus Christ.

In Isaiah, 26:3 says God will keep us in perfect peace whose minds are committed to him and whoever trusts in him. Paul says whatever things are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report, excellent, praiseworthy. We need to think about these things. Now we will see the detailed information about the above things.

Whatever things are true in bible verses for daily life:

The word true means things that real, honest, and genuine. We need to connect to the things which are true, honest. We need to reject the words that are untrue and focus mainly on the things with the truth.

In John 17:17 says that the word of God is truth. We need to sanctify by the word of God. The bible is preserved for us, which measures the truth, and it is the written word of God. Only the word of God will tell the truth. So we need to meditate daily the word of God to know the truth.
In acts 17:11 says the Thessalonica church was searching the scriptures of the word daily to know whether the teachings of Paul are true or false. Whatever we listen to in this world, we need to measure them with God’s word to know whether it is right or wrong.

Whatever things are noble biblical reading for today:

The word noble means the things that are honorable, dignified, and respectable. We need to carefully Look to the ones who are characterized by godly thinking and the sanctified noble of their character. We need to practice the godly character but not the ungodly character. We need to meditate on the noble things.

Whatever things are right best bible verses for today:

The word right means things are proper, just. We need to meditate on these things. We need to treat kindly with one another.

In Titus 2:7 says we need to show ourselves as an example in doing the good words. It mainly speaks that we need to show good, equitable, fair in our relationships with other people.

Whatever things are pure daily bible promise verse:

The word pure means holy. This is the main character we need to have in our Christian life. We should not meditate on the things that are impure in the sight of the Lord. Many Christians fail in leading a holy life. As Jesus Christ is holy, we need to be holy. We need to focus on the things that are pure in the sight of God.

In John 3:3, everyone who hopes in God needs to pure themselves because God is pure. We need to perfect because our God is perfect.

Whatever things are lovely in encouraging bible verses:

The word lovely means friendliness. Our behavior towards others should be friendly, gracious, and courteous. It suffers long, and it is not arrogant, selfish, jealous, it doesn’t boast, act improperly, provoke. It will not think evil. Io never fails. It will rejoice with the truth. We need to focus on the lovely things.

We need to speak with others with an excellent report. We should not believe worse about other people. We need to avoid negative thoughts about others. We need to avoid evil thoughts and renew our minds with God’s thoughts. So these are all the categories we need to meditate and focus on it.

If anything excellent and praiseworthy, we need to think about those things. Our minds are the greatest treasure in our lives, so we need to renew it and think of the above things. We need to bring out the bad stuff from our minds and replace them with good ones. We need to protect our minds and protect negative influences.


Christian Music Portal come up with online daily scripture reading with the most inspiring Bible verse of the day that will make us grow more spiritually in God. We need to carefully meditate on the above qualities to renew our minds and thoughts. We need to transform ourselves into the above qualities completely. We need to pray daily to renew our minds.

We need to put the practice about what we have learned, and we should experience every day. We need to stand firm in the Lord, rejoice in him always, renewing our thoughts. We need to ask God to make us stronger in our weakness and ask for forgiveness. Only the word of God will transform us because it is true.

Father Lord Almighty, renew my mind and thoughts and mediate daily about the things that are true, noble, holy, right, praiseworthy. I pray, Amen.

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